Warren Carter


While we stayed busy during lock down it’s been great to open the forest garden gates again and welcome back some of our volunteers. Of course there’s had to be a few workday changes. The sessions are shorter, we are working and eating in smaller groups and only our designated cooks can make lunch – and wash up! We are also back at Brighton Aldridge Community Academy and Moulsecoomb Primary. At Moulsecoomb we have a couple of hours with Year… Read More »LIMITED CAPACITY


Covered in mud and busy pouring water into a leaf filled hole he’d dug with sticks, next to the woodland camp he’d built with friends ‘I’m proper natured’ he told his mum as he proudly showed off his new home. It was the last day of our three week summer camp, where over 30 children mainly from Moulsecoomb Primary had come along for a couple of days. Like a mini outdoor festival where for a few hours children could make… Read More »‘PROPER NATURED’


When the corona virus pandemic hit, we had to close the garden to volunteers, visitors and schools but a skeleton staff began growing as much food as possible to supply the Bevy community pub’s meals on wheels service, which has delivered over 5,000 meals locally, including to some of our volunteers. Rhubarb, runner beans, broad beans, french beans, onions, potatoes, courgettes, shallots, peas, black and red currants, lettuce and rocket have been used in meals or delivered directly to people… Read More »EMERGING FROM LOCKDOWN


The Garden has always been a place to grow food, but it’s so much more than that. A melting pot of people getting together for fresh air, exercise, a laugh and a social – and to share a meal at lunchtime. You can even find people lifting the occasional spade! Unfortunately, this virus has put a stop to all that, and events are moving so fast it’s almost impossible to keep up. For now, a few of us are digging… Read More »CAN YOU DIG IT
Nettles growing


I used to get free tickets to festivals to go and talk about Nettles – a wonder plant that never gets the rave press it deserves because it doesn’t come from the Amazon. It is also from the same family as marijuana – although it won’t make you boring if you eat lots of it. With food scarcity, and fresh fruit and veg becoming harder to find and expensive, now is the best time to go out and harvest as… Read More »NETTLE-MANIA


Moulsecoomb Forest Garden will remain open on Tuesdays and Fridays between 10am and 3pm until advised otherwise. If this changes we will put messages on social media,, please see @mfgwp on Twitter and Facebook. Here is the link to the Government’s advice – it’s important to keep up to date with the latest guidance. The most important thing is to keep people safe and well, so we have put in place a few additional measures. If you are feeling unwell,… Read More »Covid-19


A recent article ‘Understanding the hidden costs of grant making’ really got to the heart of the charitable sector problem. Its shocking revelations concluded that it often costs more to apply for a grant than the money you receive! That is of course if you are successful; with most applications it seems you’ve got more chance of winning the lottery than being given the cash.   So much work goes into even small grant applications; reading the guidelines, understanding the… Read More »AN UNEQUAL PARTNERSHIP
forest garden open day 2019


Everyone is welcome to our open day this Friday. The event is free thanks to sponsorship from Homity Trust and Brighton & Hove Food Partnership but please be generous on the gate. We are fed up of looking behind the sofa for pennies.  We have lots of raffle prizes. Who doesn’t want cream tea at The Grand, a trip on the i360, a remote controlled car, duvet covers and much more. How about making a small monthly standing order ?… Read More »GETTING READY FOR OUR OPEN DAY


The other week a woman who ran a puppet show atMoulsecoomb Primary said the schoolhada ‘big heart.’ The show was about children’s mental health andone of the activities was getting children to write a list of things that help them with their well-being. At most other schools pupils said – X-box, toys, theme parks etc – but she noticed at Moulsecoomb it was ‘playing with my brother’ ‘going outside with my friends’ ‘time with my family.’ She got that the… Read More »MOULSECOOMB PRIMARY : AN OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SCHOOL
plant sale


We’ve been on a seed sowing, potting up frenzy over the past few months with our volunteers and pupils at Moulsecoomb Primary School along with some of the people that run Friday Friends and keep the Bevy community pub garden looking stunning. We’ve now got plants coming out of our ears and this Saturday 4th May is our annual plant sale 10am till 2pm. Profits will be split between the Forest Garden and keeping the Bevy garden looking good. We… Read More »PLANT SALE THIS SATURDAY