Support us
We want to keep this charity as sustainable as the veggies we produce! We need around £8,500 a month to keep going which is often a challenge to achieve.
We are a registered charity, and our funding comes from a range of sources, broadly from our services, our donations and applications to charity and community funding pots.
We are actively fundraising to keep the charity going, and welcome discussions with individuals and organisations who would like to support our work.
Become a Friend of the Forest Garden
Become a Friend of the Forest Garden and help to make us as sustainable as the fruit and veg we grow by setting up a regular donation using the form below.
It really doesn’t have to be much – every bit will help make the project more financially stable and let us get on with what we set out to do!
If you can’t commit to a regular donation but would still like to help you can simply choose to make a one-time donation.

If you prefer a pen and paper option you can set up a regular payment as a standing order.
To do this please print off and complete our Standing Order and Gift Aid Declaration, post it to us and we’ll do the rest.
Other ways you can help
You can raise free funds when you search the web and shop online with over 4000 stores by registering with us on Everyclick.
Here are ten ways you can support our work.
If you have ideas for raising funds for us (or with us), want to put on a benefit concert, jumble sale or run a marathon, please get in touch.
Or come and visit us!
Some of our supporters

Thank you to these organisations for their support over the last few years
South Downs Society | East Brighton Trust | Peoples Health Trust
The Pebble Trust | Sussex Community Foundation | Santander Foundation
Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust
The Chalk Cliff Trust | Brighton and Hove Food Partnership
Sussex Police Community Cash Back | Infinity Foods
Southern Water | Co-op Community Fund