Warren Carter

Outlawed Vegetables

What the hell is an outlawed vegetable? It’s a frequent question at the garden where we grow French beans, peas and tomatoes that are illegal to buy in the shops. Why illegal? Well under EU regulations each variety of vegetable seed has to be put on the National Seed List, and this costs money. As most of our seed companies are now owned by the big bio-tech companies that are trying to force GM (genetically modified) greens down our throats,… Read More »Outlawed Vegetables

Blooming May

Over the past few months there has been a real buzz of activity. Not only has the allotment been transformed to a lush green jungle, but structures have also been built to help us enjoy the haven that little bit more. Through the gate and archway of the new children’s area/Saxon village is a new seating arrangement impressively crafted by our builder Russell, together with the Targeted Youth Support Team and volunteers. In just a few days a turf sofa… Read More »Blooming May

Snow and a Stolen Stove

We arrived on Tuesday to find the allotment had been transformed into a winter wonderland! The snow was ankle deep over the entire allotment, the pond frozen and plants blanketed or just peeping through the surface. As the firepit was inaccessible for tea making we decided to close up for the day. The paths were great for sledging, but a nightmare under foot or wheelbarrow. Unfortunately, others had made it to the allotment before us – there were car tracks… Read More »Snow and a Stolen Stove

Ruben in the roof-less Round-House

‘My son Ruben in the wattle and daub round-house, which is still awaiting a proper roof, but the Co-op have just given us 870 to build a turf sofa and put in herb garden around it.